Metode Bermain Menggunakan Permainan Ular Tangga untuk Mengendalikan Emosi dan Perilaku Agresif Siswa

Nekita Idfi Coster Ramadhini, Ima Ni'mah Chudari


Emotions and aggressive attitudes are some of the most important parts of humans because through emotions a person can express his feelings, apart from that, in every aspect of human development there must be emotional development. Teachers play an important role in enabling students to control their emotions and aggressive attitudes. One effort that is expected to help control students' aggressive emotions and behavior is by playing the Snakes and Ladders game. In a learning context, the Snakes and Ladders game can be integrated as an interesting and interactive learning method. Teachers can use this game as a tool to help students develop the ability to control their emotions and behavior. This research suggests that learning approaches involving games can be applied more widely in educational environments to improve student welfare and improve the quality of learning in schools. The method that will be used for this study is literature study or literature study. The data obtained is compiled, analyzed, and concluded to obtain conclusions regarding the literature study. The results of the research also show that the playing method using the snakes and ladders game can control the emotions and aggressive attitudes experienced by elementary school students. Through the Snakes and Ladders game, students also learn to overcome challenges and take risks with more confidence. They feel happy and motivated to actively participate because games provide opportunities for social interaction and learning together.


Emotion Control; Aggresive; Playing; Snake & Ladder

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