The effectiveness of the ring electromagnetic accelerator on students' understanding of the Lorentz force concept based on prophecy
This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of using the Ring Electromagnetic Accelerator (REA) tool in improving understanding of the Lorentz force concept and developing students' prophetic attitudes. The research method used is mixed method with sequential explanatory design. The research subjects were 10 students of the Physics Education Study Program in the 6th and 8th semesters who had taken the Electromagnetic Field course. The research instruments included Lorentz force concept understanding test, prophetic attitude questionnaire, and observation sheet. Quantitative data analysis used N-gain calculation, while qualitative data were analyzed descriptively. The results showed a significant increase in understanding the concept of Lorentz force with an N-gain of 0.44 (medium category). Evaluation of the Student Worksheet shows that 80% of students can describe the theoretical basis of the tool and its relation to the concept of Lorentz force well. Observation of prophetic attitudes showed an increase in the aspects of shiddiq (N-gain 0.60) and fathonah (N-gain 0.75). Qualitative analysis revealed that the use of props helped visualize abstract concepts and increase awareness of the importance of honesty in the scientific process. This study concludes that the use of REA is effective in improving understanding of the Lorentz force concept and contributes positively to the development of students' prophetic attitudes. The implication of this research is the importance of integrating character development in physics learning, especially at the university level.
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