Evaluation of antenatal care competency with Objective Structure Examination Blended Learning (OSCE-BL)
Midwifery students must possess clinical competency before entering clinical practice in the practice area. Assessing clinical competency using Objective Structure Clinical Evaluation (OSCE) is necessary. However, OSCE examiners are limited, so blended learning is carried out. The research aims to determine the learning outcomes of midwifery students using OSCE Blended Learning (BL) in the pregnancy care module. This research used a descriptive cross-sectional method using OSCE scores from 2020 to 2022. That research sample was 92 people using a total sampling technique. Competencies tested in the OSCE are anamnesis, physical examination in the second and third trimester, laboratory examination, and counseling. Processing and analyzing univariate data descriptively. The anamnesis competency score was the greatest mean in 2021 (91.45), physical examination in the second trimester (88.79), and third trimester (88.03). Meanwhile, supporting examinations in 2020 (88.36) and counseling (88.31). In the OSCE evaluation in 2021, only a small number of students did not pass the anamnesis (2 people), physical examination second trimester (2 people), and third trimester (2 people), support (2 people), and counseling (1 person). Method OSCE BL can be used to evaluate pregnancy care competency before midwifery students do clinical practice in the practice area.
Kompetensi klinis harus dimiliki oleh mahasiswi kebidanan sebelum memasuki praktik klinis di lahan praktik sehingga perlu dilakukan penilaian kompetensi klinis menggunakan Objective Structure Clinical Evaluation (OSCE). Akan tetapi, penguji OSCE terbatas, maka OSCE dilakukan dengan blended learning. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui hasil belajar mahasiswi kebidanan dengan OSCE Blended Learning (OSCE BL) pada modul asuhan kehamilan (ANC). Penelitian dengan metode deskriptif dengan cross sectional menggunakan nilai OSCE dari tahun 2020 (36 orang), 2021 (25 orang), dan 2022 (31 orang) sehingga jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 92 orang dengan teknik total sampling. Kompetensi yang diujikan pada OSCE, yaitu anamnesa, pemeriksaan fisik trimester 2 dan 3, pemeriksaan laboratorium, dan konseling. Pengolahan dan analisis data univariat secara deskriptif (nilai mean, standar deviasi, nilai maksimal, dan minimal). Nilai kompetensi anamnesa paling besar tahun 2021 (mean=91.45), pemeriksaan fisik trimester 2 (mean=88.79) dan trimester 3 (mean=88.03). Sedangkan pemeriksaan penunjangtahun 2020 (mean=88.36) dan konseling (mean=88.31). Pada evaluasi OSCE hanya sebagian kecil mahasiswa yang tidak lulus kompetensi anamnesa (2 orang), pemeriksaan fisik trimester 2 (2 orang), dan trimester 3 (2 orang), penunjang (2 orang), dan konseling (1 orang) tahun 2021. Metode OSCE BL dapat digunakan untuk evaluasi kompetensi asuhan kehamilan sebelum mahasiswi kebidanan praktik klinis di lahan praktik.
Kata Kunci: Blended learning; evaluasi: kompetensi; mahasiswa kebidanan; OSCE
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jik.v21i2.66495
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