Implementation of Teaching at the Right Level with Problem-Based Learning Model to Increase Student Learning Outcomes
Schools must provide learning experiences that enhance students' abilities that aligned with the learning outcomes. Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL), combined with a Problem-Based Learning (PBL) model, is applied in Class X D at SMA Negeri 5 Bandung. TaRL offers a solution to the issue of disparities in students' abilities within a classroom. Considering the learning objectives to be achieved, the PBL model was chosen because it aligns well with programming material. The TaRL approach, using the PBL method, is designed to improve the learning outcomes of students with varying ability levels. This research successfully demonstrated an increase in average student learning outcomes, reaching 76% as measured by the n-gain score. Students with moderate ability levels achieved improvements in the "High" category, while students with high ability levels achieved improvements in the "Medium" category. These findings highlight the effectiveness of the TaRL approach with the PBL model in enhancing learning outcomes. It is recommended that TaRL combined with the PBL model be considered, as it allows students to learn at their own pace, making the learning process more student-centered and meaningful, which serves as a target for improvement.
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