Implementation of the Snowball Throwing Method with Wordwall Learning Media to Increase Students' Learning Interest and Motivation in Software and Game Development in SMKN 4 Bandung
The purpose of this study is to increase the interest and motivation of students using the snowball throwing method with wordwall media in learning Software and Game development subject (PPLG) of class X at SMKN High School 4 Bandung. The method used by the researcher is the Classroom Action Research method. The subjects of the study were 36 students. This study was conducted in one cycle by conducting a pre-cycle at the beginning of the study, which consisted of four components, namely Planning, Implementing actions, Observation, and Reflection. The results of the study showed an increase in interest and motivation to learn which had an impact on the learning completion (scoring 75 and above) of students per cycle. In the pre-cycle, 6 students or 17% achieved the said learning completion. In cycle I, there were 28 students or 78% who achieved the learning completion. This indicates that using the snowball throwing method with media was successful and had successfully exceeded the 75% criteria of student’ completion.
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