The Effect of Using Learning Management System on the Learning Outcome and Motivation of Software Engineering Students at SMKN 2 Cimahi

Abdul Kholik, Pangeran Nelson, Pebi Pebriansyah, Gigin Gantini Putri, Mariam Komalawati


The study was conducted to develop e-learning using the LMS website as a learning medium for grade XI students majoring in software engineering. This study aims to (1) determine the feasibility of e-learning based on LMS website used as a learning medium for software engineering subjects; (2) determine the differences in software engineering learning outcomes between students who use e-learning media with LMS website and powerpoint; (3) determine the differences in software engineering learning outcomes between students who have high learning motivation and low learning motivation; (4) determine the interaction between the application of e-learning LMS website, powerpoint and learning motivation on learning outcomes in software engineering subjects. This research was conducted at State Vocational High School Negeri 2 Cimahi in class XI-Software Engineering-A with 36 students. The result indicates that there is an increasing motivation of students’ learning outcomes. The use of LMS also become an integrated solution that facilitates teachers in distributing learning materials efficiently.


E-learning; Learning Management System; Learning Motivation; Learning Outcomes; Software Engineering.

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