Evaluasi Program Pengenalan Lapangan Satuan Pendidikan Bagi Calon Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Deri Hendriawan, Nenden Sundari, Lizza Suzanti, Fatihaturosyidah Fatihaturosyidah


Doing teaching at schools’ activity for the pre-service teacher students will give them experiences both practically and knowledgeably. Thus, this study is aimed to identify the difficulties and the barriers that the students experience while doing teaching at The Campus Partner Schools during The Teacher Training Program, also to reveal the teachers’ perceptions toward the students' pedagogical competences. The sample of this study are 12 kindergarten where the students running the program. This study was applied qualitative approach by conducting CIPP model. The data were collected through rating scale questionnaires, interviews and documentation. The data were analyzed in qualitative ways covers display data, reduction data and generalization. The results of this study indicate that there is a require for students to be able to improve their skills in formalizing their teaching lesson plan, conducting the teaching-learning activity, performing their social-personal skill, completing the teachers’ administration and additional work, also in giving students guidance and counselling service. All of these findings are the fruitful value to be consider for a better perform in next year program.


CIPP, Evaluation of Training, Pre Service Kindergarten Teacher


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