Indonesian Journal of Community Services in Engineering & Education (IJOCSEE) is published by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia - Regional Campus of Purwakarta, with p-ISSN: 2776-3315, and e-ISSN: 2776-4370. IJOCSEE is a peer-reviewed journal that contains scientific articles adopting community service activities focused on education and engineering or implementing applied research results to the public. This journal aims to publish high-quality articles as a result of community service in the national scope.
IJOCSEE accepts articles from Thematic Student Community Services (Kuliah Kerja Nyata Tematik), Community Services (Pengabdian pada Masyarakat) done by the lecturer, Student Creativity Program in Community Services scope (PKM-M), or other public service activities in the form of training, workshops, counseling, mentoring, socialization, as well as empowerment in education and engineering. This journal was first published in April 2021 and is published twice a year in April and October. Articles can be written in Indonesian or English. All published articles in this journal can be accessed online by everyone at no charge.
IJOCSEE publishes articles written by the academic community of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia as well as national and international academic communities.

Important Dates |
Posted: 2021-04-02 | |||||||||||||||||||
Call for Paper |
Dear Lecturers/Researchers/Students, Etc. The Editorial Team of the Indonesian Journal of Community Services in Engineering & Education (IJOCSEE) invites you to publish the results of community service in the published period.
Volume 3 Number 1, April 2023 Volume 2 Number 2, October 2023
This journal is published by Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Kampus Purwakarta. |
Posted: 2021-03-22 | |||||||||||||||||||
More Announcements... |
Vol 3, No 2 (2023): October 2023
Table of Contents
Arif Pristianto, Muhammad Sena Nurrahman Pasya, Ariq Windra Nugraha, Atikah Nurulinsani, Ardhita Hilwa Zakia, Nabilah Tri Sulistiowati
Dreitsohn Franklyn Purba, Asep Suryana, Djam'an Satori, Diding Nurdin, Sunarto Sunarto, Robi Prianto, Yohanes Hasiholan Tampubolon
Srie Mulyani, Tiara Yogiarni, Jennyta Caturiasari, D Wahyudin, Eko Wahyunanto Prihono