Project-Based Learning on Skin Cosmetology Course
This research revealed information about the application of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in the Skin Cosmetology course. The Fashion Education Program at UPI offers four areas of expertise for students to choose from, namely Makeup, Boutique, Crafts, and Design. Traditional regional beauty practices are incorporated into the Skin Cosmetology course, which is part of the Beauty Concentration program. The research involved seven students from the class of 2020 from this study program. The make-up theme in the PjBL was the make-up of the participants' region of origin. Therefore, the make-up and clothing worn also varied according to the region. Additionally, international students displayed make-up and clothing according to their countries. This research was conducted in the Make-Up Laboratory located on the 4th floor of the Faculty of Technology and Vocational Education at UPI. This research uses descriptive qualitative research to ensure that the information presented is more in-depth. The participants have followed lecture materials on skin cosmetology for one semester. Then, they were asked to observe, imitate, and modify other learning sources such as Instagram, YouTube, and other social media. Then, they displayed the make-up work of the participants' home regions with themselves as models. Overall, their progress in applying makeup is approaching the skills of a professional makeup artist. They also showcased their best skills in make-up by understanding skin beauty materials.
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