Hybrid affixation and reduplication in Bilingual Aphasia: A case study of Sundanese-Indonesian speech deficits
This study explores the morphological deficits in a bilingual Sundanese-Indonesian patient diagnosed with mixed aphasia following typhoid meningitis. While previous research on aphasia has primarily focused on monolingual cases, this study addresses the complexities of bilingual language impairment, particularly in a language pair with typologically distinct morphological structures. The primary aim is to examine how aphasia affects the application of derivational and inflectional morphology, shedding light on cross-linguistic interference and compensatory strategies. This study employs a qualitative intrinsic case study approach analyzing speech samples elicited through spontaneous speech recording, observations, and in-depth interviews. The findings reveal two major patterns of morphological deviation: (1) misapplication of Indonesian and Sundanese affixation rules, resulting in hybrid morphological structures, and (2) systematic overgeneralization of reduplication patterns, leading to the emergence of novel linguistic formations. These errors highlight the impact of bilingual language competition on morphological processing in aphasia. The study concludes that bilingual aphasia induces a restructuring of morphological systems rather than mere attrition, with patients actively reconstructing linguistic forms through rule-based blending. These findings have significant implications for clinical linguistics and speech therapy, emphasizing the need for rehabilitation approaches tailored to bilingual aphasia.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/ijal.v14i3.53116
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