My name is Bima Prihasto, and I am currently engaged as a lecturer and researcher at a higher education institution in East Kalimantan. I earned my PhD from the National Central University Taiwan, specialising in computer science. My research focuses on machine learning and deep learning, particularly their applications in speech and image processing. I have served as a reviewer for the reputable IEEE Access Journal and the esteemed IEEE ICASSP Conference, which boasts the highest h-index. Furthermore, I have previously participated in collaborative research at Academia Sinica Taiwan.
Nisa Rizqiya Fadhliana Institut Teknologi Kalimantan Indonesia
Agustina Hariyani Institut Teknologi Kalimantan Indonesia
Fauzan M. Alwafi Institut Teknologi Kalimantan Indonesia
Tsaqila B. Askarin Institut Teknologi Kalimantan Indonesia