Chitra Agustiany Mufidah


This study aims to determine the effect of social media content marketing and perceived service quality on purchase decision. The type of research used is descriptive and verificatios. The dependent variables in this study are purchase decision (Y), social media content marketing (X1) and perceived service quality (X2) as independent variables. The population in this study are F&B Edtech X in Indonesia. The research method used in this study is the explanatory survey method. The data analysis technique used in this study is the multiple linear regression analysis technique. The findings of this study indicate that the description of social media content marketing, perceived service quality and purchase decision are in the good category. Social media content marketing and perceived service quality have a positive and significant influence on purchase decisions. This statement can be assumed that the better the company pays attention to social media content marketing and perceived service quality, the better the purchase decision that appears in consumers for the company. The contribution of social media content marketing variables in forming purchase decisions is highest in the collaboration dimension, while the communication dimension has the lowest contribution. For the perceived service quality variable, the highest contribution in forming purchase decisions is in the assurance dimension, while the reliability dimension has the lowest contribution.


social media content marketing, perceived service quality, purchase decision


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