A Quantitative Study: Attitudinal Factor Halal Tourism Visit Intention through Short Video Based Social Media
The use of digital platforms opens up opportunities to reach many potential customers because of the ease of access, so opportunities to get profitable profits are increasingly wide open. Unlike any other video platforms, short video based social media (SVBSM) platforms such as TikTok and Instagram have a unique algorithm that can produce visually appealing videos faster. Short video based social media must be easy and useful for every tourist and its away to halal tourism destination. This study aims to determine the effect technology acceptance model, halal tourism video to visit intention of halal tourism through attitude. The method used in this study are descriptive and associative. Survey is distributed to 331 muslim respondents in West Java. The data will be analyzed by Smart-PLS Software. The result show that attitude mediated technology acceptance model and halal tourism video to halal tourism visit intention while key opinion leader has no effect to attitude and visit intention.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/strategic.v24i1.68934
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