This research is motivated by the massage training graduates who do not maximize the skills acquired so as not independent
1 Peny Nugrohowati, S.Pd
psychosocial and economic. The implementation of skills training massage Kartika Destarata Foundation aims to educate them to become an independent therapist in terms of psychosocial and economic. This study aims to reveal 1) the implementation of skills training massage at Kartika Destarata Foundation West Jakarta, 2) the competence of the therapist after skills training massage at the Kartika Destarata Foundation West Jakarta, and 3) the impact of massage skills training in realizing self-sufficiency of participants in the Kartika Destarata Foundation West Jakarta. Researchers used the theory of training which focused on principles, components, and elements that can affect the success of the training. Researchers are also using the competence theory which focuses on the factors affecting the increase in competence. As well as the theory of the independence to know the characteristics of individuals who psychosocial and economic independence. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. Participants of the study consisted of 12 respondents who were all people who had been a trainee at the massage skills Kartika Destarata Foundation in 2014 and has been working. Data collected by interview techniques. The conclusions of this research are as follows: 1) the implementation of skill training massage programs at Kartika Destarata Foundation to improve and develop their abilities, skills, knowledge, and behaviour of the trainees who are blind to become competent and independent therapists, 2) trainees has increased competence to think, act, and interact in applying the results obtained skills training massage at Kartika Destarata Foundation in everyday life, and 3) the trainee has had psychosocial and economic independence shown by the reduced dependence of trainees against others in living their daily lives and in terms of revenue.
Keyword : training impact, competence, independence
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