Developing Students' Critical Thinking Through the Problem-Based Learning Model on the Materials of Changing Indonesian Society in Colomination in Learning IPS

Nanda Fadlika Ramadhan, Aim Abdulkarim, Muhamad Iqbal


This research was conducted to address the main problem regarding the low critical thinking of students in social studies learning. Social studies learning feels passive and monotonous as evidenced by the results of observations and interviews with students. Then, the researchers decided to apply a learning model that can develop students' critical thinking, including: problem-based learning in developing students' critical thinking in social studies learning. Through the material on changes in Indonesian society during the colonial period, students are asked to analyze and explore the history that exists in Indonesia. This research is a classroom action research by applying the Jhon Elliot model with three cycles. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The subjects of this study were 33 students of class VIII-J of SMPN 40 Bandung in social studies subjects. The use of problem-based learning models shows an increase in students' critical thinking skills in social studies learning. In this study, it can be seen from the critical assessment of individuals in the first cycle by obtaining a "C" result, which is quite good, in the second cycle the increase in the result "B" which means good, and the third cycle obtaining A which means very good. Based on this research, it was found that by applying the problem-based learning model with material changes in Indonesian society during the colonial period, it was possible to develop students' critical thinking in social studies learning.


problem-based learning, critical thinking, social studies learning

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