Characteristics of Semi-Professional Futsal Players based on Playing Positions
The dynamic development of futsal in Indonesia has encouraged more in-depth research into the physiological characteristics of futsal players. Futsal games have intermittent high intensity, requiring players to continue to move actively together during the match. An equal level of physical condition between players makes it easier for coaches to determine the strategy to use. The aim of this research was to determine differences in anthropometry, aerobic capacity, agility aspects, and speed of semi-professional futsal players based on their playing positions. The method used in this research was an observational study with a quantitative approach. The research subjects consisted of 24 semi-professional futsal players from Bandung city. The results of this study showed that there were significant differences in height and weight variables between goalkeepers and players in other positions (P<0.05). In the aerobic capacity variable, there was a significant difference between goalkeepers and players in other positions (P<0.05). However, there were no significant differences in the speed and agility variables for all semi-professional futsal players. This study showed that the goalkeeper anthropometry was higher than the field players (pivot, anchor, and flank), while the aerobic capacity of the goalkeepers was lower compared to the field players (pivot, anchor, and flank). There was no difference in speed and agility. Field players had the same physical abilities. The results of the research can be the basis for further research regarding the physical condition needed based on playing positions.
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