- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statements
- Fees
- Copyright Notice
- Plagiarism and Retraction Policy
Focus and Scope
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO), is peer-reviewed journal published in online and printed platform by Departemen Pendidikan Olahraga, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, which was founded in 2016 and regularly published online. It publishes articles of a high standard on various aspects of physical education, physical activity, sport, health and nutrition. The journal facilitates effective communication across all sub-disciplines of sports education. The articles published in the journal have been written in English since 2019. Accepted papers will immediately appear online, followed by printed in hard copy, and there is no charge in accessing the contents of the journal.
The JPJO (Jurnal Pendidkan Jasmani dan Olahraga) specializing in publishing:
- Number of Disciplinary bases of Physical Education,
- Sport Pedagogy,
- Comparative PE and Sport,
- Games,
- Biomechanics & Motor Control,
- Sports Medicine,
- Sport and Exercise Physiology,
- Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Section Policies
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Review Article
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Peer Review Process
The article submitted to this online journal will be double-blind reviewed by at least 2 (two) reviewers.
The acceptance or rejection of articles will be decided by the editorial boards based on the review results supplied by the reviewers.
Authors whose papers are rejected will be informed of the reasons for the rejection.
There are no communications between authors and editors concerning the rejection decision.
Publication Frequency
JPJO publishes twice a year in April and September. Each publication consists of 12 research articles, and since volume 4 the number of articles has increased to 18 articles.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge exchange. The journal is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This policy is in accordance with the BOAI definition of Open Access.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statements
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO) is a peer-reviewed electronic and printed journal. To that extent, it clarifies the ethical behaviour of all parties involved in the article publication of JPJO including the authors, the chief editors, the Editorial Boards, the peer-reviewers and the publishers (Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia). This statement is based on COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors.
The Editorial Board is responsible, among the others, for deciding which of the research papers/articles submitted to the journal should be published and preventing publication malpractice. Unethical behavior is unacceptable and the JPJO does not tolerate plagiarism in any form.
1. Editors' Responsibilities
Publication Decisions: Editors should be accountable for everything published in their journals and must strive to meet the needs of readers and authors. Editors’decisions to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based on the editorial board’s reviews and the paper’s importance.
Review of Manuscripts: The editor must ensure that each manuscript is initially evaluated by the editor, who may make use of appropriate means, to examine the originality of the contents of the manuscript and ensure the quality of the material they publish, recognizing that journals and sections within journals will have different aims and standards.
Fair Review: Editors should strive to ensure that peer review at their journal is fair, unbiased and timely. The editor ensures that each manuscript received is evaluated on its intellectual content without regard to authors’ sex, gender, race, religion, citizenship, etc.
Confidentiality: The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate. The editor must ensure that information regarding manuscripts submitted by the authors is kept confidential.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Editors should require reviewers to disclose any potential competing interests before agreeing to review a submission
2. Author’s Responsibilities
Reporting Standards: Authors should precisely present their original research, as well as objectively discuss its significance. Manuscripts are to be edited in accordance with the author guidelines.
Originality: Authors must certify that their work is entirely unique and original.
Redundancy: Authors should not concurrently submit papers describing essentially the same research. Submitting the same paper to more than one journal constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.
Acknowledgement of Sources: Author(s) should acknowledge all sources of data used in the research and cite publications that have influenced their research.
Authorship of the Paper: Authorship should be limited only to those who have made a significant contribution to conceiving, designing, executing and/or interpreting the submitted study. All those who have significantly contributed to the study should be listed as co-authors. The corresponding author should also ensure that all the authors and co-authors have seen and approved the final submitted version of the manuscript and their inclusion as co-authors.
Data Access and Retention: Authors should retain raw data related to their submitted paper, and must provide it for editorial review, upon request of the editor.
Fundamental Errors in Published Works: When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her submitted manuscript, the author must immediately notify the editor.
3. Reviewers' Responsibilities
Confidentiality: Manuscript reviewers, the editor, and the editorial staff must not disclose any information regarding submitted manuscripts. All submitted manuscripts are to be treated as privileged information. Editors should provide guidance to reviewers on everything that is expected of them including the need to handle submitted material in confidence.
Acknowledgement of Sources: Reviewers must ensure that authors have acknowledged all sources of data used in the research. Any statement that an observation, derivation, or argument had been previously reported should be accompanied by the relevant citation. A reviewer should also call to the editor's attention any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which they have personal knowledge.
Standards of Objectivity: Reviews of submitted manuscripts will be conducted objectively. The reviewers shall express their views clearly, with supporting arguments. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate.
Promptness: If a reviewer believes it is not possible for him/her to review the research reported in a manuscript within the designated guidelines, or within the stipulated time, he/she should notify the editor, so that an accurate and timely review can be ensured.
Conflict of Interest: All reviewers should have no conflict of interest with respect to the research, the authors and/or the funding bodies.
4. Change or Modification of Published Paper
Withdrawal: Papers published will be withdrawn if the author(s) noticed significant errors. Before accepting a withdrawal request, the editorial board and Editor-in-chief should talk with the author(s) sufficiently. If the paper was agreed to be withdrawn, the following will be implemented:
- The paper in the journal database will be removed.
- The link in the online publication site will be removed.
- The next phrase or similar phrase stating the reason will be shown below the paper title in the Table of Contents and journal volume page: (This paper was withdrawn because of some technical errors).
Replacement: Papers published can be replaced if the author(s) send an updated paper. Before accepting a replacement request, the editorial board and Editor-in-chief should talk with author(s) sufficiently, and at least reviewers should check the advances. If the paper was agreed to be replaced, the following will be implemented:
- The paper in the journal database will be replaced.
- The link in the online publication site will be replaced.
- The next phrase or similar phrase stating the reason will be shown below the paper title in the Table of Contents and journal volume page: (This paper was replaced because the author(s) sent an updated version. Contact the editor if you want to check the old version).
- The old version should be kept separately, and if someone wants to check the old version, the editor can send the PDF to him/her.
- Note that the replacement is acceptable only one time, and only for the technical advances.
Removal: Papers published will be removed if reviewers, readers, librarians, publishers or other subjects noticed significant errors or plagiarism. Before removing a paper, the editorial board and Editor-in-chief should talk with authors sufficiently and should provide enough time to have author(s)’ explanations. If the paper was agreed to be removed, the following will be implemented:
- The paper in the journal database will be removed.
- The link in the online publication site will be removed.
- The next phrase or similar phrase stating the reason will be shown below the paper title in theTable of Contents and journal volume page: (This paper was removed because of plagiarism).
5. Penalties
Double Submission: If the double submission was found or noticed from other sources, the editorial board should check the status. If the double submission was confirmed as an intentional thing,
- The review process will be terminated.
- The reason should be sent to reviewers, editorial board and authors.
- All authors’ names will be marked as blacklisted, and these authors cannot submit any paper to JPJO for five years.
Double Publication: If the double publication was found or noticed from other sources, the editorial board should check the status. If the double publication was confirmed as an intentional thing,
- This will be reported to the editorial board and author(s).
- This will be sent to the publisher who published the same (or very similar) paper.
- Paper will be removed according to the “Removal” part in Section 4.
- All author(s)’ names will be marked as blacklisted, and these authors cannot submit any paper to JPJO for five years.
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
There is no submission fee
Article Publication: IDR 1.500.000,00
JPJO charges the author a publication fee of IDR 1.000.000,00 for each manuscript published in the journal. The author will be asked to pay the publication fee upon editorial acceptance.
We consider individual waiver requests for articles in our journal. Please request a waiver during the submission process to our email address to apply for a waiver. The journal management will generally make a waiver decision within two to 5 working days.
Copyright Notice
Please find rights and licenses in Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO). By submitting articles/ article manuscripts, the author agrees to this policy. No particular documents are required.
1. License
The Use of articles will be governed by the Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike license as currently displayed on Creative Commons Attribution - ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA)
2. Author(s)' Warranties
The author warrants that the article is original, written by the stated author(s), and has not been published before, contains no unlawful statements, does not infringe the rights of others, is subject to copyright that is vested exclusively in the author and free of any third party rights, and that any necessary written permissions to quote from other sources have been obtained by the author(s).
3. User Rights
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO) disseminate articles published are as free as possible. Under the Creative Commons license, Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO) permits users to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work. Users will also need to attribute authors and Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO) to distributing works in the journal and other media publications.
4. Rights of Authors
Authors retain all their rights to the published works, such as (but not limited to) the following rights;
- Copyright and other proprietary rights relating to the article, such as patent rights,
- The right to use the substance of the article in own future works, including lectures and books,
- The right to reproduce the article for their purposes,
- The right to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the article's published version (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.
5. Co-Authorship
If more than one author jointly prepared the article, any authors submitting the manuscript warrant that they have been authorized by all co-authors to be agreed on this copyright and license notice (agreement) on their behalf and agrees to inform their co-authors of the terms of this policy. Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO) will not be held liable for anything that may arise due to the author(s) internal dispute. Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO) will only communicate with the corresponding author.
6. Royalties
Being an open accessed journal and disseminating articles for free under the Creative Commons license term mentioned, author(s) aware that Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO) entitles the author(s) to no royalties or other fees.
Plagiarism and Retraction Policy
Plagiarism Policy
Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO) Editorial board recognizes that plagiarism is not acceptable and therefore establishes the following policy stating specific actions (penalties) upon identification of plagiarism/similarities in articles submitted for publication in Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO). Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO) will use iThenticate's originality checking software to detect similarities of texts in article manuscripts and the final version of articles ready for publication. A maximum of 20% of similarities is allowed for the submitted papers. Should we find more than 20% of the similarity index, the article will be returned to the author for correction and resubmission.
Article Withdrawal
Only used for Articles in Press which represent early versions of articles and sometimes contain errors, or may have been accidentally submitted twice. Occasionally, but less frequently, the articles may represent infringements of professional, ethical codes, such as multiple submissions, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like. Articles in Press (articles that have been accepted for publication but which have not been formally published and will not yet have the complete volume/issue/page information) that include errors or are discovered to be accidental duplicates of other published article(s) or are determined to violate our journal publishing ethics guidelines in the view of the editors (such as multiple submission, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like). Withdrawn means that the article content (HTML and PDF) is removed and replaced with an HTML page and PDF simply stating that the article has been withdrawn according to the Elsevier Policy on Article in Press Withdrawal with a link to the current policy document.
Article Retraction
The article will be retracted if it conducts the infringements of professional, ethical codes, such as multiple submissions, bogus claims of authorship, plagiarism, fraudulent use of data or the like. Occasionally a retraction will be used to correct errors in submission or publication. The retraction of an article by its authors or the editor under the advice of members of the scholarly community has long been an occasional feature of the learned world. Standards for dealing with retractions have been developed by a number of library and scholarly bodies, and this best practice is adopted for article retraction by Jurnal Pendidikan Jasmani dan Olahraga (JPJO):
A retraction note titled "Retraction: [article title]" signed by the authors and/or the editor is published in the paginated part of a subsequent issue of the journal and listed in the contents list.
In the electronic version, a link is made to the original article.
The online article is preceded by a screen containing the retraction note. It is to this screen that the link resolves; the reader can then proceed to the article itself.
The original article is retained unchanged save for a watermark on the .pdf indicating on each page that it is "retracted."
The HTML version of the document is removed.
Article Removal: legal limitations
In an extremely limited number of cases, it may be necessary to remove an article from the online database. This will only occur where the article is clearly defamatory or infringes others' legal rights, or where the article is, or we have good reason to expect it will be, the subject of a court order, or where the article if acted upon, might pose a serious health risk. In these circumstances, while the metadata (Title and Authors) will be retained, the text will be replaced with a screen indicating the article has been removed for legal reasons.