Mathematics learning in elementary school are still shortcomings of learning, which is still separate from student’s daily life, especially in learning materials on the volume of cube and cuboid. When studying this material, it turns out there are still learning obstacles experienced by students. This obstacle can be overcome by developing a didactic design that considers the learning obstacles experienced by students. The existence of this study aims to identify learning obstacles to construct didactic designs using the Situation-Based Learning model. The purpose of choosing this model is to answerDidactical design, Reasoning ability, Situation-Based Learning learning problems that are less meaningful of learning, especially in the volume of cube and cuboid for student of grade V. the research method is used qualitative with DDR (Didactical Design Research) as the design. The stages of research begin by conducting learning barriers tests, carry out initial didactic design and implementing didactic revision designs. Data collection techniques are used by observation, tests, interviews, questionnaires, field notes and documentation. This study produced a didactic design that can be used in learning the volume of cube and cuboid arranged with the characteristics of SBL to overcome the obstacles to students' mathematical reasoning ability.
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