The Influence of Knowledge Creation and Capture on Lecturer Performance Innovation Which Is Mediated By Emotional Intellegence In LLDIKTI Region 4

Tacbir Hendro Pudjiantoro, Syamsul Hadi Senen, Eeng Ahman, Hari Mulyadi



Knowledge management plays a very important role in the development of science, especially in higher education. The research data was obtained by conducting an online survey of lecturers in several universities in LLDIKTI Region IV. The research was conducted to see how far the concept of knowledge creation and capture as part of knowledge management affects the performance of lecturers in the LLDIKTI region IV West Java-Banten environment. The research results were obtained through questionnaire data processing. The results of the questionnaire were obtained from the lecturers who were the object of research. Filling out the questionnaire is done online. The results of processing and evaluating the questionnaires collected, the conclusion of the research results is that Knowledge creation and capture moderated by emotional intelligence helps in improving the innovative performance of lecturers in LLDIKTI Region IV universities.

Keywords: lecturer performance, knowledge create, knowledge capture, innovative performance


lecturer performance, knowledge create, knowledge capture, innovative performance


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