Increasing Digital Capacitation of Young Generation in Rural Areas through Technology-Based Entrepreneurship Training

Asep Ridwan Lubis, Syamsul Hadi Senen, Fitrina Kurniati


This study addresses the challenge of optimizing digital capacity among rural youth for economic empowerment in Cikawung Village, where limited digital knowledge and skills hinder the exploitation of business opportunities. The research aims to enhance digital capacity and empower rural youth economically through technology-based entrepreneurship training. The methodology includes practical training in online store creation, digital marketing, and business management, along with ongoing support. Expected outcomes encompass improved digital business skills among youth, establishment of youth-led digital enterprises, and increased economic independence in the rural community. The program seeks to foster technology-based entrepreneurship and positively impact rural youth economic empowerment through digital capacity optimization.


digital capacitation, digital entrepreneurship; rural economic empowerment; rural youth; technology training, rural e-commerce; rural digital transformation; digital MSME development

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