The Effect of Perceived Value and Word Of Mouth on Customer Loyalty Mediated by Consumer Satisfaction at Stiinacake Shop

Sutina Umayrah, Saidun Hutasuhut


This study is a quantitative study that aims to analyze whether perceived value and word of mouth affect customer loyalty mediated by consumer satisfaction at Stiinacake Shop. This research was conducted on Stiinacake consumers who had made a minimum purchase of 3x. The sample analyzed was 200 people and used incidental sampling techniques. The sample used is consumers who made purchases in October, November, December 2023. Data collection was collected by distributing questionnaires. Data analysis techniques using Smart PLS 4.0 software. Research findings are that perceived value and word of mouth have a significant influence on customer loyalty. The perceived value variable has a significant influence on consumer satisfaction. Word of mouth variables have no effect on consumer satisfaction. The perceived value variable has a significant effect on word of mouth. While consumer satisfaction is not a mediating variable of perceived value and word of mouth on customer loyalty. Because satisfaction itself can be influenced by many other aspects, including initial expectations, hands-on experience, and interaction with the brand.


Social Networking; Students’ Academic Performance; Public Universities.

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