The Minapadi Innovation: A Sustainable Solution for Agricultural Productivity and Educational Tourism Development - Study Case in Sukamanah Village, Cigalontang District, Tasikmalaya Regency

B. Lena Nuryanti, Yadi Ruyadi, Girang Razati, Daffa Adipramana, Emir Bachtiar


The Minapadi innovation integrates rice and fish cultivation, offering a sustainable approach to improving agricultural productivity while simultaneously promoting educational tourism. This research evaluates the effectiveness of the Minapadi system in Sukamanah Village, Tasikmalaya, where traditional farming methods have stagnated, limiting economic growth. A quasi-experimental design was used to measure participants’ enthusiasm and motivation following a workshop on the Minapadi system. Data were collected from 31 participants using a Likert scale questionnaire, and descriptive statistics were employed to assess the workshop’s impact. Results indicate a significant increase in motivation and understanding of Minapadi, with participants rating the workshop highly in terms of relevance and benefits. The study concludes that Minapadi not only enhances agricultural yield but also holds potential for developing educational tourism, particularly through the active involvement of women and youth. The creation of a prototype plot and the establishment of an organizational structure further solidify the program’s sustainability and long-term success.


Minapadi; Agricultural; Education Tourism.

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