Teacher's Perception on Child Girl Socio-Insecurity: Challenges and Prospects

Bashir Olayinka Salaudeen, Odunayo Tomilola Abomide-Ayinla, Moses Adeleke Adeoye


This paper explores the perceptions of teachers regarding child girl socio-insecurity, highlighting the challenges they face and the prospects for addressing these issues effectively. The discourse explores societal norms, educational environments, and the role of teachers in mitigating socio-insecurity among girls. Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the learning experiences and socio-emotional development of students including girls. Societal norms and gender dynamics significantly influence the socio-insecurity experienced by girl children, leading to stereotypical expectations and limitations. Educational environments such as classrooms, can also exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and inferiority, hindering girls' academic performance and overall well-being. Teachers can mitigate the socio-insecurity experienced by girls by promoting gender-sensitive pedagogies, challenging stereotypes and cultivating a culture of respect and acceptance. Despite the challenges, there are promising prospects for empowerment and advocacy. Educational institutions can implement targeted interventions, such as gender-sensitive curriculum reforms, teacher training programs and peer support initiatives, to create more equitable and inclusive learning environments. Collaborations between schools, community organizations and policymakers are essential for enacting systemic changes that promote gender equality and empower girl children to realize their full potential.


Teacher's Perception; Child Girl; Socio-Insecurity; Gender Equality.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/mimbardik.v9i1.74736


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