The Professionalism of Counselors in Cybercounseling Versus Face-to-Face Counseling

Eyra Aisyah Jasmine, Fauziah Nasution


Professionalism is a crucial aspect underpinning the success of therapeutic interactions between counsellors and clients. Research indicates that competent and ethical counsellors can provide higher quality and more effective services. This study is a comparative research type. A mixed methods approach is employed to view counsellors' work professionalism comprehensively. Comparing cybercounseling and face-to-face counselling reveals that each has its strengths and weaknesses. Although both aim to deliver quality counselling services, there are differences in approach, the technology used, and the advantages offered. The findings of this study are that both cybercounseling and face-to-face counselling have their respective roles and benefits in providing quality counselling services. Counsellors must be able to choose the method that best suits the needs and preferences of the client while ensuring that professionalism and ethics in counselling practice are consistently upheld.


Professionalism; Counsellor; Cybercounseling.

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