Improving the Calistung Ability of Legokhuni Elementary School Students through the KKN Teaching Program

Zhafirah Az Zahra, Maryam Nafisah, Asep Ridwan Lubis


This article discusses the Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Teaching program at SDN Legokhuni, Legokhuni Village, Purwakarta, as an effort to improve students' Calistung abilities. This research is conducted in the context of the urgent need to improve the quality of elementary education in Indonesia. In a situation where many students still face difficulties in reading, writing, and arithmetic, the KKN Teaching program aims to provide learning assistance focusing on these fundamental skills. The research method used is a qualitative approach with literature study. The KKN Teaching program is carried out by students from the Indonesia University of Education, with a focus on students from grades 1 to 6. The KKN Teaching program at SDN Legokhuni makes a positive contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially in achieving Quality Education. By integrating student-centered learning approaches, community involvement, and collaboration with teachers, this program provides inspiration for efforts to improve elementary education in remote areas. Thus, this program offers a relevant solution to enhance students' Calistung abilities and support the development of more equitable education in Indonesia.


Calistung; sustainable development goals; Education.

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