Chicha Juliyanti, Ani Hendriani, Dwi Heryanto


The purpose of this research is to design and develop learning media "BUMKAR" or Picture Card Album Book for make it easier for grade 1 elementary school students to improve reading skills beginning. This research is based on the results of observation and identification the problems that the researchers did were (1) the low reading ability the beginning of students, and (2) The lack of use of learning media that used by teachers in learning to read the beginning and less varied. Learning media "BUMKAR" or this Picture Card Album Book developed through the Design and Development (D&D) method with the Peffers et al. which includes six phases, namely: (1) Identify the Problem, (2) Describe the Objectives, (3) Design and Develop the Artifact, (4) Test the Artifact, (5) Evaluate the Testing Result, and (6) Communicating the Testing Result. Learning media "BUMKAR" or this Picture Card Album Book was validated by experts using a questionnaire. Material expert validation results obtained a percentage of 76% in the "Good" category, media expert obtained a percentage of 94% in the "Very Good" category, and the assessment of grade 1 elementary school teachers obtained a percentage of 98% in the "Very Good" category so that the average percentage of the three experts is 89.3% in the "Very Good" category. Student response to learning media "BUMKAR" or Picture Card Album Book is also very good and positive. It can be concluded that the learning media "BUMKAR" or Picture Card Album Book is very good and worth using in the process learning in grade 1 elementary school to improve early reading skills.


Learning Media, Album Book, Picture Cards, Reading Initially, D&D

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