Educational and Gastronomic Tourism Package Development Strategy Sumedang Larang Palace

Rizki Raynaldi, Tresna Bela, Dewi Turgarini, Mamat Ruhimat


Keraton Sumedang Larang is one of Tourist destination that has great potential for development, especially in gastronomic. This paper analysis the strategic of developing gastronomic tour packages at Keraton Sumedang Larang, focusing on the culinary wealth and cultural heritage potential in Sumedang Regency. The research aims to maintain the attractiveness of Keraton Sumedang Larang as a captivating tourist destination and enhance public appreciation of its cultural richness. The qualitative research approach with an exploratory design is used, gathering data through in-depth interviews with informants related to the palace. The SWOT analysis is employed to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the gastronomic tourism development strategy at Keraton Sumedang Larang. This research give result that the potential of culinary tourism as an integral part of the tourist experience and the importance of sustainable tourism development in Indonesia. It is hoped that this research will provide guidance for developing engaging and educational gastronomic tour packages at Keraton Sumedang Larang.


Tour package, Strategy, Gastronomic

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