Chuugi Bushido Value in Animation Movie “Sengoku Musou” by Kojin Ochi

Ruditya Yogi Wardana, Ely Triasih Rahayu, Dian Bayu Firmansyah, Hartati Hartati


This research was based on one of the most popular Japanese cultural value called Bushido, especially chuugi value in Sengoku Musou animated film by Kojin Ochi. The purposes of this research were: 1) Describing the implementation of chuugi value in bushido, 2) Describing the act of chuugi, and 3) Describing the act that deviate from chuugi. The method used in this research was a qualitative research method. The results of this study showed that there were 20 acts of chuugi and 5 acts that deviate from chuugi in Sengoku Musou animated film. Moreover, this research indicated that the act of chuugi can be motivated by several factors such as the aspect of obedience with orders, the desire to stay together, and the will to sacrifice everything for their master. On the other hand, the deviation of chuugi were occurred because of economic factor, depression factor, psychopathic factor, seeking a target for disappointment factor, and opposing social bonding factor


Bushido; Chuugi; Konsep perilaku; Sengoku Musou

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