Wahyudin Noe


This research is prompted by researchers’ concerns about the nation’s morale which is increasingly declining due to the negative impact of the use of digital technology in the era of disruption, such as smartphone, laptops, smart televisions, tablets, etc. which should be able to help human activities in the aspects of education, communication, advertising, transportation, archiving and entertainment, but instead are misused to behave negatively in cyberspace in the form of fraud, free sex, online immoral acts, hate speech, or drugs. Therefore, the importance of character education is given to the general public, especially for prisoners (Warga Binaan Pemasyarakatan, which further refers as WBP) so that good character is formed. This research aims to describe the pattern of rehabilitation for Women’s Penitentiary Class III in Ternate for inmates based on national character values in the era of disruption. This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method. The results of the research show that: 1) The pattern of prisoners rehabilitation based on national character values in the Women’s Penitentiary Class III in Ternate is carried out in two forms, they are the Personality Rehabilitation Pattern through instilling national character values and the Independence Rehabilitation Pattern through skills and handicraft training, 2) The challenges and obstacles experienced by prisons in forming the character of inmates in the era of disruption are: a) Prison officers’ efforts to create safe and comfortable conditions from various conflicts between inmates due to different backgrounds and personal characters; and b) The availability of digital technology facilities in prisons is still limited to foster independence, such as laptops, internet, assembly, etc.


Rehabilitation Patterns, Correctional Inmates (WBP), National Character Values, Disruption Era


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