Semiotics of the Keris Srie Radja at the Makam Panjang in Karawang, West Java

Diana Aniesah Rahman, Juju Masunah, Zakarias S Soeteja


The purpose of this article is to examine the Keris Srie Radja from Karawang, West Java. A qualitative research approach was applied to collect data through observation, interviews, literature reviews, and studies. Data analysis was conducted using Peirce's semiotic approach. The research findings indicate that the Keris Srie Radja in Karawang consists of three parts. Viewed from the perspective of signs, symbols, and meanings, it represents a royal heirloom as a leader. In terms of the signs, the Keris Srie Radja has a form resembling a living creature divided into three parts: the hulu (hilt/head), the bilah (blade/body), and the warangka (scabbard /clothing). The hilt of the Keris Srie Radja features an icon of a lion, symbolising strength and embodying the authority of a king. The shape of the three-curved blade is a legisign, referring to an icon of a mountain, which carries the meaning of life: Srie (sustenance), lungguh (position), and dunya (worldly existence). The scabbard of the Keris is conical, with a wavy top, symbolising the protection of the king, representing the safeguarding of the entire nation. From a semiotic perspective, the Keris Srie Radja in Karawang embodies values of life, specifically depicting the characteristics of a decisive and authoritative leader—one who can provide welfare for their people

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