Indonesian Journal of Arts Education Research (InJAERe) is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal that focuses on arts education research results including performing arts education (music, dance, theater), fine arts education, film & television, and Visual Arts. The authors are academics and researchers, namely students, lecturers and scholars from Indonesia and abroad. This journal is published twice a year in May and November electronically by the Arts Education Study Program at the Postgraduate School of the Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in collaboration with Assosiasi Pendidik Seni Indonesia (APSI) or the Association of Indonesian Arts Educators.

Vol 1, No 2 (2024): Indonesian Journal of Arts Education Research
Table of Contents
A.M Susilo Pradoko
Syifa Silviana Putri, Trianti Nugraheni, Ayo Sunaryo
Urfan Saniylabdhawega Ridhwan, Rita Milyartini, Diah Latifah
Reni Nuraeni Susilawati, Uus Karwati, Yudi Sukmayadi
Diana Aniesah Rahman, Juju Masunah, Zakarias S Soeteja