Utilization of Google Earth Engine for Flood Vulnerability Mapping in Citarum Watershed

Ardhillah Eka Nur Faj'ri, Bintang Fajar Ar-Rahman, Naufal Marcellino Hidayaturrafi’, Syadza Husnun Hanifah, Zahra Adila, Diki Akhyar Amantulloh, Wirastuti Widyatmanti


Flooding is one of the dominant natural hazards in Indonesia. The Citarum watershed is one of the largest watersheds on the island of Java with significant flood hazard potential. This is caused by land use change and massive human activities. Therefore, it is necessary to map the flood vulnerability to identify the areas with the highest flood vulnerability. This can be the first step to mitigate flood hazard in the areas around the Citarum watershed. The mapping of flood vulnerability levels in the Citarum watershed is done by using a cloud computing platform, Google Earth Engine (GEE). By using Google Earth Engine, the process of data processing and visualization becomes more effective. This mapping was done using the weighted overlay method with the parameters of slope, elevation, distance from permanent water, NDVI, and rainfall. The results of mapping the level of flood vulnerability classified in five categories, namely very low, low, medium, high, and very high. The results show that 1009.791 km² area in the downstream of the Citarum watershed and around the reservoir classified as very high flood vulnerability area.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/gea.v24i2.71285

DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.17509/gea.v24i2.71285.g29157


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