Oldeman Agroclimatic Zone Mapping in Trenggalek Regency using Geographic Information System
Climate is one of the essential factors that influences plant productivity. One of many ways to identify climate in a region, especially those whose use focuses on agriculture, is to identify climatic zones based on Oldeman's climate classification. In this research, Oldeman agro-climatic zone mapping was carried out by interpolating rainfall data for 2011-2022 obtained from twelve rain stations spread across Trenggalek Regency using a geographic information system so that map of the Oldeman agroclimatic zone of Trenggalek Regency can be produced. The map explains that Trenggalek Regency has seven agro-climatic zones which include zones A1, B2, B3, C2, C3, D3, and E3 with the most dominant agro-climatic zone are C2 zone that covering 35% and B2 zone covering 29% of the entire Trenggalek Regency area. The majority of planting patterns that can be implemented in one year are one rice crop and two secondary crops, or two rice crops and one secondary crop. However, the planting pattern must still be adjusted to the conditions of water availability in each region.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/gea.v24i2.68362
DOI (PDF): https://doi.org/10.17509/gea.v24i2.68362.g29145
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