Kurniawati Kurniawati


The creation of learning modules based on project-based learning (PBL) is designed to enhance students' understanding of the material and their work skills in vocational high schools (SMK). This research intends to illustrate the effectiveness of the PBL module in enhancing students' comprehension of the material and their practical abilities. The creation of this module is founded on the model of Dick and Carey (Analysis, Design, Development, Evaluation). Field trials were carried out on 40 students specializing in TKJ and studying computer networks to evaluate their learning achievement in terms of material absorption (knowledge), as well as their skills and attitudes during the learning process. The outcomes of creating a project-based learning module for the computer network practicum, according to the evaluation by material experts, stand at 96.7%, indicating that it is suitable for testing. Subsequently, the test results indicate that this project-based learning module can reach a material absorption (knowledge) outcome of 78%, classified as high, alongside skills and attitudes demonstrating an effectiveness of 83.2%. Hence, it is advisable that the PBL module be more broadly incorporated into the SMK curriculum to equip students for the growing competitiveness of the job market. Nevertheless, the effective execution of this module greatly relies on the accessibility of sufficient resources and the readiness of teachers to handle project-based learning.


Project-Based Learning (PBL), Learning Module, Vocational High School

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