Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term from Industrial Society 4.0 and Society 5.0 which is a "computer program, machine learning, hardware and software. This research combines a qualitative descriptive approach method (Supriyadi 7 Asih, 2020). The main purpose of this research is to find out the benefits of using AI in 21st century education, by direct observation at Elia Christian Junior High School Surabaya which sees the learning process taking place, literature study to the library by producing information data in the form of books, national journals, other literature and searches on Goggle Scholar and then applied to students through teaching Cultural Arts at Elia Christian Junior High School Surabaya. The application of AI covers various aspects, ranging from adaptive learning, learning data analysis, the use of educational chatbots, to interactive problem solving. The use of AI-powered learning platforms and recommended applications can help shape innovative teachers, but the involvement of the government, educational institutions and the technology industry is equally important and key to creating a suitable learning environment in the 21st century.
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