Susanto Yunus Alfian


The purpose of this research was to examine the effects of summarization instructional strategies and presentation formats on the learning outcomes of history argumentative reasoning of SMA students. This study was designed as factorial design. The participants were the students enrolled in four state-owned SMA schools in Kabupaten Malang. A two- way ANCOVA 2 (the summarization instructional strategies: graphic organizer vs written summarizing) X 2 (presentation formats: present-subheadings vsabsent-subheadings) was conducted to determine the effects of groups and the interaction in the learning outcomes of historical argumentative reasoning as measured by the posttest and the pretest as covariate. As the result of this quasi experimental research, the main conclusions are presented as follow: A significant difference existed for students who used the cause-effect graphic organizer summarization strategy to answer history argumentative reasoning posttest questions when compared to the written summarizing strategy. There was no difference between those who were presented with present-sub headings presentation format and those who were presented absent-sub headings on answering history argumentative reasoning posttest questions. There was a significant interaction between the summarization instructional strategies and the presentation formats.

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