Discussing and inquirying on etimology and its context is rarely conducted by the historians. The development of Indonesian historiography already reached such a progressive level, especially in the scope of its use and impact to the national growth. From Economic History, as shown by the Cliometricians, they fully cultivate the quantitative approach. Moreover, the geographical and geopolitics consciousness concerning archipelagic and seas traits attract all attention to cultivating and developing Maritime History. However, in the middle of the progress, the attention to the linguistic issues still exist. The influence of Posmodernism thoughts once rocked the pile of Realism and Reconstructionism from positivistic historical thinking by argueing that knowing and representing the past in the present through language. Historical studies actually never deny the role of language, especially in the phase of writing, but cannot fully accept the thought from such a linguistic turns milieu. The inquiry on language and power is already conducted by BRO’G Anderson to understand the political symbols in Javanese culture. This paper deals with the finding a meaning of “Sejarah”, an Indonesian word for History, in its development becoming a scientific study. In the process, it undergoes changes and extension of meaning that left behind its early meaning. By this study, the expectation is the knowing and understanding of History become more deeper to develop Indonesian Historiography
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