Pengaruh Value Based Leadership dan Lingkungan Kerja terhadap Kinerja Kepala Sekolah

Saeful Mahri Amrullah


This research examines the issue of weak value-based leadership; hence, the title "The Influence of Value-Based Leadership and Work Environment on the Performance of School Principals." The aim is to determine how value-based leadership, and the work environment affect the performance of school principals in a local context. The research method used is a quantitative approach, focusing on two independent variables: value-based leadership (X1) and the work environment (X2), and their impact on the dependent variable, school principal performance (Y). The findings of the research indicate that value-based leadership and the work environment have a significant impact on the performance of school principals. Based on the calculations, it is shown that the school principals have been able to implement value-based leadership and create a good work environment both inside and outside the school. There is a significant influence on how teachers express satisfaction with the principals' performance. This is also evidenced by the research results, which have an R value close to 1, and with the work environment variable's significance value of 0.008, which is less than 0.05. It can be concluded that the work environment and value-based leadership have a significant impact on the performance of school principals.

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