Analisis Fukugoudoushi ~Koeru dan ~Sugiru (Kajian Sintaksis dan Semantik)
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pendahuluan, sebagian besar pembelajar bahasa Jepang, masih belum memahami mengenai fukugoudoushi ~koeru dan ~sugiru.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan makna, struktur kalimat, persamaan dan perbedaan dari fukugoudoushi ~koeru dan ~sugiru. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan data dan hasil analisis, struktur pola kalimat yang terbentuk dari fukugoudoushi ~koeru, jika V1 (VTran), pola kalimatnya (S)+(O)+(P). Jika V1 (VIntran), pola kalimatnya (S)+(P). Terdapat juga pola kalimat lain, jika V1 (VIntran), pola kalimatnya (S)+(O)+(P). Sedangkan pada fukugoudoushi ~sugiru, pola kalimat yang terbentuk sama dengan struktur pola kalimat fukugoudoushi ~koeru. Akan tetapi, terdapat dua struktur pola kalimat lain, jika V1 (VTran), pola kalimatnya (S)+(P) dan jika V1 (VIntran), pola kalimatnya (S)+(O)+(P). Makna yang terkandung dalam fukugoudoushi ~koeru dan ~sugiru adalah melampaui (melewati) suatu objek. Sedangkan pada fukugoudoushi ~sugiru adalah melebihi suatu objek. Persamaan dan perbedaan dari fukugoudoushi ~koeru dan ~sugiru dibedakan secara sintaksis dan semantik.
Based on preliminary research, most of Japanese language learner is still not understand about fukugoudoushi ~koeru and ~sugiru. Therefor, it is important to make research and explanation according to language about this fukugoudoushi. This research’s purpose is to explain the meaning, sentence structure, similarity and difference of fukugoudoushi ~koeru and ~sugiru. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. Based on the data that has been collected and analyzed, if V1 fukugoudoushi ~koeru it is called transitive verb and the result is sentence pattern with transitive component (S)+(O)+(P) and if V1 fukugoudoushi ~koeru it is called intransitive verb and the result is sentence pattern with intransitive component (S)+(P). However, there is also another sentence structure that formed from to fukugoudoushi ~koeru that is if it is called intransitive verb and the result is sentence pattern with transitive component (S)+(O)+(P). Meanwhile, if V1 fukugoudoushi ~sugiru it is called transitive verb and the result is sentence pattern with transitive component (S)+(O)+(P) and if V1 fukugoudoushi ~sugiru it is called intransitive verb and the result is sentence pattern with intransitive component (S)+( P). However, there is another two sentence structure which that is if V1 fukugoudoushi ~sugiru is intransitive, then the result is transitive sentence pattern with component (S)+(O)+(P) and if V1 fukugoudoushi ~sugiru is transitive, then the result is then the result is intransitive sentence pattern with component (S)+( P).The meaning consisted in fukugoudoushi ~koeru is to pass (to pass over) an object (something/place, a difficulty, and standard object). Meanwhile, in fukugoudoushi ~sugiru is to surpass an object (extreme level of movement, excessive activity, and if it is followed by move verbs the meaning is ‘to pass’ depending on the context of the sentence). Then,the similarity and difference distinguished by syntax and semantic.
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Published by:
Department of Japanese Language Education
Faculty of Language and Literature Education
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

e-ISSN: 2598-1250 p-ISSN: 2598-1234