Cakrawala Dini: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini| p-ISSN 2087-1317 | e-ISSN 2621-8321
Cakrawala Dini is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes different kinds of scientific articles based on the research-article and ideas-article. All topics that we received only articles relating to early childhood education fields. For research category, articles can be written using quantitative and qualitative approaches, and can be made in a variety of research designs, such as action research, experiments, and case studies.
Cakrawala Dini was published since 2012 twice a year every May and November, and published by the Indonesia University of Education Cibiru Campus, Early Childhood Education Teacher Education study program, APG PAUD Indonesia (Memorandum of Understanding No. 093/UN40.K1/HK.07/2022), and PPJ PAUD Indonesia (Memorandum of Understanding No. 009/PPJ-PAUD/I/2020).
All the articles DOI 10.17509.
Article Template Change |
In order to improve metadata updates and ease of adjusting the layout of the Journal Cakrawala Dini: Journal of Early Childhood Education, changes were made. Changes were made from Volume 13 Number 1 May 2022 to the next volume. In Volume 14 Number 1 May 2023, there are template changes consisting of changes in language, layout, and writing citations in the manuscript. | |
Posted: 2022-05-25 | More... |
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Vol 16, No 1 (2025): (ONLINE FIRST) MAY 2025
Table of Contents
Dustnazar Omonovich Khimmataliev, Kibrio Ergashevna Burieva
Raja Rahima Munawarah Raja Ahmad, Lilis Suryani, Norwati Binti Mansor, Rika Devianti, Hasgimianti Hasgimianti
Ferry Irawan, Muh Rafi'y, Dharma Gyta Sari Harahap, Rival Hanip, Syamsul Bahri HS