Riyanto Syahbani


Badī ’as the study of the beauty of a sentence, in which it is related to the beauty of language style and is called muhassinat. This study aims to analyze muhassināt al-ma’nawiyah on surah Al-wāqi’ah. This study includes a qualitative study that is collecting data from words and not from numbers. While this type of research is a literature review, which examines and collects data by studying existing documents, for example books, magazines and others. In this study shows that in surah Al-wāqi’ah there are several muhassināt al-ma’nawiyah, including: al-Ṭibāq, murā'atu al-Naẓir, irṣād, etc.


Balāgah; Badī’; Muhasinat Al-Ma’nawiyah

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