M Kharis, Muhammad Rayhan Syawal Rahmadhi, Dani Hendra


Vocabulary knowledge is a component of mastering a language. The more vocabulary learners have, then the better their language skills will be. The teacher stated that the lack of motivation and interest of students in learning German so that the material cannot be absorbed properly. Besides that, sometimes students find it difficult to visualize the material presented. So, the researcher developed an educational game media based on Role Play Game (RPG) called Dajul's odyssey: portal of language to solve the problem. The purpose of this research is to produce an educational game based on Role Play Game. Role Play Game is a digital-based game in the form of role simulation that requires players to play characters that have been determined by the game story. RPG development can be done with the Research and Development method. This research results in an RPG-based educational game with Essen und Trinken material. This media has been validated by material and media experts who are assessed using a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The first expert gave a score of 92.85% (Very Good) and the second expert gave a score of 88.57% (Very Good). Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that the Role Play Game was developed based on the students' needs and the Role Play Game named “Dajul's Odyssey: Portal of Languages” received an excellent rating and response from both experts. Therefore, RPG can be used as an alternative choice of learning media for learning German vocabulary.


Development, German Language, Role Play Game, Vocabulary

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