German is one of the second foreign language subjects studied by Indonesian students at the Senior High School (SMA) and Madrasah Aliyah (MA) levels. There are four language skills that must be mastered in German, namely listening (Hören), speaking (Sprechen), reading (Lesen), and writing (Schreiben). Speaking (Sprechen) is one of the skills that students need to master, because with speaking skills, students can convey their intentions, desires, ideas, and opinions orally. However, in practice, students still experience difficulties in speaking German. Therefore, researchers developed paper puppet-based learning media to overcome these difficulties. Paper puppet media is a learning media made of paper in the form of cartoon images or real images with stalks to move. This study aims to produce, implement paper puppet-based learning media in learning to speak German and to find out the responses of teachers and students to the use of paper puppet media in KBM. The research method used is the development method (Research and Development). Researchers involved teachers and students of class XI-MIPA I at SMA PGII 2 Bandung as respondents who gave an assessment of the development product in the form of paper puppet media. The process of developing paper puppets is carried out by collecting information, planning, developing the initial form of the product, field testing and product revision. The results of this study are eight characters of paper puppet media. The eight characters consist of two teenage boys, two adult men, two teenage girls and two adult women. The paper puppet media has a simple mechanism to be moved and can be changed according to the needs of the theme. Product assessment was carried out using a Likert scale through a questionnaire given to teachers and students. Teachers acting as media and learning material experts gave an assessment of 97.77% (very good) of the paper puppet media and gave an assessment of 97.50% (very good) of the learning materials used. The average assessment given by students on paper puppet media is 96.42% (very good). Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that paper puppet media can be well received by teachers and students as a supporting medium in learning to speak German. This paper puppet media can still be developed to be better.
Keywords: media, development, puppetsFull Text:
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