Rasch Analysis of FOCUS for Simple Harmonic Motion: Assessing Students' Mental Model
This research investigates the development and validation of the Four-Tier Observation and Concept Understanding Scaffold (FOCUS) instrument to identify high school students' mental models of simple harmonic motion. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the research involves qualitative analysis for instrument construction and quantitative analysis using Rasch Model techniques for empirical analysis . Data were collected from 852 respondents across five Indonesian provinces using cluster random sampling. The FOCUS instrument consists of four tiers: concept question, confidence level in responses to concept question, rationale for choices, and confidence level in rationale. Expert validation results indicate that the FOCUS instrument is valid and the results of the analysis of limited and broad trials show that the instrument is reliable and effective in diagnosing students' mental models. The findings highlight significant gaps in students' mental model of simple harmonic motion concepts, such as restorative forces, amplitude, and energy relations. This study contributes to physics education by offering a robust diagnostic tool for educators to systematically enhance and address students’ mental model.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/wapfi.v9i2.76603
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