The effects of augmented reality technology on learning achievement and attitude toward physics education
This study aims to investigate the impact of learning materials developed with augmented reality (AR) technology on learning achievement and attitude toward physics education. In this study, a quasi-experimental design was used in which intact classrooms in two different classes in SMAN 1 Gununghalu, consisting of a total of 64 10th grade high school students, were randomly assigned to either the experimental or control group. The experimental group completed the "Keppler’s Law" module of their course using AR technology, while the control group completed the same module using textbooks. The data was analyzed using an independent sample t-test. The result showed that the mean ratio of learning achievement in the experimental group was 80,62, whereas the mean ratio in the control group was 71,75. Meanwhile, the results for the attitude toward physics education for the experimental group were obtained at 69,28 and for the control group at 59,46. The study found that students in the experimental group were found to have higher levels of achievement and more positive attitudes towards the course than those in the control group. It has been suggested that AR technology could be a potential and effective technology for abstract concepts in physics education. Moreover, it has implications for the use of AR for physics education and recommendations for further studies.
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