Penerapan strategi konflik kognitif pada model pembelajaran berorientasi perubahan konseptual untuk meningkatkan pemahaman konsep dan menurunkan miskonsepsi siswa smp

Emi Resmiyati, Hikmat Hikmat, Unang Purwanta


Based on preliminary studies in science teaching at the junior high school students in Cianjur, it is known that the learning process is more informative and more often raises mathematical equations so that students tend to learn rote formula without understanding the concept well. Lack of concept understanding of the students will lead to students experiencing misconceptions. Therefore, it needs learning strategies that can improve the concepts understanding and reduce students’ misconceptions by implementing a strategy of cognitive conflict in conceptual change-oriented learning model. The method used was a pre-experimental design with the One Group Pretest-Posttest design of the study. The sample was 34 students of class VIII in one of the private junior high school in Cianjur at the pressure lesson. Concept understanding and misconceptions of students are measured using the integrated test understanding of concepts with CRI technique. The results showed students’ concepts understanding increased with Cohen's effect size of 3.34 with a large category. From the CRI identification indicates that the reduction in the quantity of misconceptions of students in each of the concepts of pressure <ΔM> above 0.4 with the medium category. It can be concluded that the application of cognitive conflict strategy in conceptual change-oriented learning model can improve the students’ concept understanding and reduce misconceptions.


Cognitive Conflict; Conceptual Change; Understanding Concepts; Misconceptions

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