Development of optical devices learning media using webtoon for high school class XI students

Diah Retno Destriana, Salma Roichana, Bayu Setiaji


Successful education will determine the development of a country towards independence in all fields. Learning media is an important part because learning media is a tool used to deliver learning materials. Physical learning cannot be separated from the media and teaching materials used. Media and teaching materials are often used in the form of books or modules that contain explanations with sentences and only a few pictures and make students bored and lacking in experience. The complexity of the material presented makes students less interested in reading textbooks including physics books. Students tend to be interested in reading picture story books (such as comics) rather than ordinary textbooks, or they can also use webtoons. The development of science. and technology, gave birth to online learning and using internet facilities as a learning method that solves problems to reduce difficulties in understanding learning. In this case, students will understand the material of optical instruments that are packaged more easily. The story presented is plotted so that students can imagine and easily recall the optical instrument material. The problem in this research is how to develop Webtoon-based learning media for the material of optical devices for class XI high school students. This research method uses research and development methods. Research and development (R&D) in education is to develop and validate educational products. While the type of development is carried out using a 4D model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). The results of this study. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion, it can be concluded that the learning media using webtoons for optical instrument material in class XI high school students is very feasible with several improvements.


Learning media;Optical devices;Webtoon

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