Development of protheus-based simulation learning media on Kirchoff's first law material

Aulia Rahman, Lutfi Kurniasih, Dadi Rusdiana


This study aims to produce learning media for Kirchoff's Law I practicum simulation which can be used in online learning activities and is able to improve students' cognitive abilities in understanding Kirchoff's Law I material. This research uses the R&D (Research & Development) method. The products developed in this research are 2 learning media, namely Kirchoff's Law I simulation model using an LED circuit and programmed using an Arduino microcontroller which can be used in stimulus activities and Kirchoff's Law I Practicum Simulation using Protheus Software. The sampling technique of this research is using purposive sampling with a total of 10 samples. Testing is done by giving LKPD, questionnaires, and interviews. It is known that both learning media presented are not 100% able to make students understand Kirchoff's Law I material, gender affects students' interest in carrying out practical activities, and the tendency of students to answer questionnaires subjectively.


Kirchoff's First Law; Instructional Media; Simulation; Protheus.

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