Teknik Serangan Yang Dominan Menghasilkan Kemenangan Pada Pertandingan Pencak Silat Kategori Tanding
This research is motivated so that fighters and trainers are able to develop attack techniques to produce maximum achievement The purpose of this study was to find out the dominant attack technique resulted in victory in the martial arts match. The method used is descriptive method. . This research was conducted at Gor Padjajaran Bandung in the 2019 Open Cup VI Paku Bumi National championship. The samples used in this study were 20. Among them were 10 athletes in the elementary age group and 10 athletes in the general age group using purposive sampling. The overall percentage of the dominant technique that resulted in a win was a 52% kick technique with the type of attack technique resulting in the most dominant crescent kick producing a score for parapesilic wins with 21% for the front kick of 20% and side kicks or "T" kicks by 11% .. Kicks are more effective to produce victory because they have variations in movement so fighter can use these types of kicks according to their respective strategies.
Keywords: Attack Technique, Pencak silat.This research is motivated so that fighters and trainers are able to develop attack techniques to produce maximum achievement The purpose of this study was to find out the dominant attack technique resulted in victory in the martial arts match. The method used is descriptive method. . This research was conducted at Gor Padjajaran Bandung in the 2019 Open Cup VI Paku Bumi National championship. The samples used in this study were 20. Among them were 10 athletes in the elementary age group and 10 athletes in the general age group using purposive sampling. The overall percentage of the dominant technique that resulted in a win was a 52% kick technique with the type of attack technique resulting in the most dominant crescent kick producing a score for parapesilic wins with 21% for the front kick of 20% and side kicks or "T" kicks by 11% .. Kicks are more effective to produce victory because they have variations in movement so fighter can use these types of kicks according to their respective strategies.
Keywords: Attack Technique, Pencak silat.Full Text:
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