Educational facilities are one of the urban facilities and infrastructure that cannot be simply ignored. The existence of educational facilities must be able to accommodate the needs of the community in fulfilling the need for education, following the mandate of the 1945 Constitution to educate the life of the nation. Cisaat Middle School is one of the educational facilities located in the Cisaat urban area, which is in the trade and service area. The existence of these educational facilities needs to be reviewed for feasibility related to the completeness of infrastructure as well as comfort and safety in the learning process. The methodology used in this study itself uses quantitative and qualitative research methods where the research begins with collecting data from existing schools, which is then compared with the minimum standard of school infrastructure. Furthermore, data collection related to possible relocation alternatives is carried out by making several assessment variables, so that it is expected to be able to provide recommendations for appropriate relocation directions. From the results of the study, we can get the result that the location of the Cisaat Middle School is no longer suitable be used as a place of education from several points of view. Meanwhile, for the relocation land itself, several locations can be used as relocation candidates with several advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords: feasibility study, relocation, junior high school, Cisaat urban area
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.17509/jodie.v2i1.55670
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